Saturday, January 19, 2008


it has been a while.
i dont kno i just dont find the time from my very very free schedule.
really its just the lazyness.
2008 is here. wooot.

2008 came along and with it brought a whole load of confusion and drama.
decisions to be made regarding career , love, life.
how is the feeble mind of a 19 year old expected to handle all of the above stated.

so the managing is just shabby and clumsy and poorly exceuted and what can be expected of a 19 yearold with the mind of a 13 year old.

the future of me is faint. will it be a career of design miss mathews? media is where you should be miss mathews? oh miss mathews do try ur hand at couselling?

wat all is miss mathews supposed to encorporate into her career plans.
all miss mathews wants to do is sit on a beach in goa with some good ol beer and lowely goldies.
all miss mathews wants to do is chill..
but tis not the time to to chill... get somethin.
dont u see the other girls. there makin plans and moving mountains. some of them building mountains.
and u think ur an acheiver with your stupid sand mountain.
tsk tsk.

decisions shall be made.
let the procrastinator be.