Don’t ask me what I want. Ask me what I need. Because it is in asking that you receive. And it is in receiving the wanted that you are granted even if for a period of 5 seconds the joy of happiness and the love that you never knew until you got the wanted that you needed and asked for.
Its quite a simple theory really. I know it seems hard to understand at first. And youll sit their on your buttocks wondering what it really means. And you will add and you will subtract and eventually come to a derivation that might quite possibly be a hundred and fifteen percent correct but my guess is you wont. Because you will read between the lines, more than you should and that will get you into trouble. It’s at the surface most of the times, we just don’t choose to see it. We decide to delve deeper into a depth that is no deeper than your feelings for sponge.
We were born shallow. We crave depth.
We are scum really. Or maybe even worse than scum. We fail to ever ask, or even if we do it is in the depths of our membranes existing like thoughts, existing like ideas, existing like the increase in hormone levels, existing like love.
Even love is a pretty fucked up thing. You want it and then you get it and then you don’t want it and then you don’t get it. And then you want it and don’t get it. But either way its not the best deal. Its actually not a good deal at all. Infact, I reckon it’s the worst deal of all. But its okay. We land shit deals all the time. Like getting born to the wrong family, like marrying the wrong bloke, like getting felt up by a strange perverted person on some public form of transport or just getting smashed and kissing the wrong guy.
But whats beautiful about it all is despite the shit deals, despite the wrong needs, despite the incorrect wants, despite love we manage to smile, we manage to laugh , we manage to feel and most of all we manage to live.
And that’s what makes me believe in the human species is this constant moving ahead. Moving on.
Evolution. Adaptation. Darwin.God.
I could stop now. But I choose to go on, and hence you can sense the humanity within me.
Just to know that humanity exists and its not just a string of letters, and a word in a 100 odd dictionaries. Just to know that modernization, globalization can try its hardest to rob us of this humanity, but it will fail to make us not feel any longer.
Because if theirs another thing we are capable of , it’s the ability to feel. Maybe just a pat on your shoulder when you do good at something you worked hard for, maybe the taste of saliva from your first kiss, maybe the stethoscope at the general physician, and maybe the kind of feel, that cannot be described because it is not felt by our 5 senses: the gustatory, the olfactory and the rest. But the kind of feel that exists in your heart when you watch happy endings. Were all suckers for happy endings. It’s the path we choose to reach this ending that determines the extent of happiness we feel at the happy end.
Some choose work, some choose family, some choose money, some choose drugs. And then there are those who switch choices based on convenience. And then there are the others who don’t make any choices at all. I feel bad for them. I really do. But you know who I feel the worst for. It’s the ones that don’t get the privilege of making this choice , their the ones who die before their cognitive abilities enable them to make a choice. I cry for them. Because they were young, because it wasn’t their fault. But I cry most because they are deprived of a choice that could have lead them to the happy end.
Now amy wants to use the computer so I shall stop typing out whatever it is that I am typing. My creative stream of thoughts are being interrupted because of the needs that facebook has created for young teenagers like amy and others(PROJECTION). Indeedly it is sad, but what is sadder is we’re all victims of this nonsense.
Facebook? More like facehooked.